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R&D Projects

Protector entity of the Asociación Española de Químicos y Coloristas Textiles (AEQCT), so (spanish association of textile chemists and colorists).

Company associated to Centro Tecnológico AITEX (AITEX Technological Center)

UNE 166002 standards along with the Leitat Technology Centre.

ECUVal. European R & D project for water discolouration with U.P.C. (so, the Polytechnic University of Catalonia).

Grau, S.A. participates in the ECUVal project, a new treatment for water discolouration after the dyeing processes, in order to obtain environmental benefits and a greater efficiency of the resources.

The ECUVal project is an ecological technology based on an innovative system that combines electrochemical techniques with UV irradiation for the treatment of waste water from textile dyeing and subsequent reuse of treated effluents.


Laboratori homologat per als estudis de les mostres i la seva reproductivitat en la producció, arxiu històric de mostres, cuina de colors totalment automatitzada, per aconseguir la màxima continuïtat en les partides de producció.

Compromesos amb el medi ambient i els estàndards de qualitat màxima.


KODAK Digital Still Camera


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